Monday, May 16, 2011

Newspaper design

While at John and Maria's house, we sat down for morning coffee and opened the local newspaper, the Jonesboro Sun. I knew that fellow blogger, Ed Henninger, had a hand in it's redesign a few years ago and I caught a few details in this paper that threw me. I know Ed's style, and what he would normally do with certain design elements. But I also know what he would NOT have done.
This is something Ed would NOT have done... It's a simple thing, this tiny square dot on the folio line... but he would never have left it on the base line. It doesn't make any sense. He would have centered it with the text vertically, or taken it off all together.

So I questioned Maria, who works at the Sun.... she wasn't clear on who's decision it was to leave this detail that way. To clear it up I got Ed on the phone who assured me that it was a design "leftover" from someone at the paper.. not his doing.

I knew it.

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