Wednesday, December 30, 2009

making illustrator brushes
It all started while making a calendar. Calendars have been a current pet project of mine as this year is wrapping up, I've been hard at work making good use of my graphic skills to make some handmade calendars...
I was trying to come up with some interesting ways to create patterns easily and surfed the web to refresh my ideas.
I found the above how-to tutorial at Bittbox.

I was inspired to create my own art brush in Illustrator and had some pretty good results. The geometric shapes were really cool to work with. When you flip the direction of the brush stroke in the brush options pallet you can get all kinds of neat results!

As I was working on a calendar, I went ahead and combined different shapes to make numbers!
I think I wont use the large numbers for each day in the calendar, but perhaps in the 'art' above each month... We'll see.
More results as the day wears on.

Is it just me or does the image in the black box look like a happy frog?

1 comment:

The Oracle said...

It's definitely froggish.