Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No HSPA awards this year...

There will be no advertising awards for my design group this year. Not due to any lack of wonderfulness on my part, but I've found out that our upper management has neglected to tell me of the WAY over deadline of June 12, 2009 for entry submissions.
I realize that I should have kept better track of such things... But I know for a fact that they get those entry submission packages WAY in advance. For the record... I would have sent my own money in to enter.. the darn tightwads wouldn't have even had to put up the lousy $100 bucks....

Here's a link to the last 2 years standings- Just to prove that I MIGHT have won a few more this year had been given the opportunity...

Awards are Fascinating!


The Oracle said...

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ!
Well, we know who the best designer in the state is.

Lauri Shillings said...

Thanks for your support. I appreciate it.

Lora said...

I was wondering about this....... his evil plot continues.